Welcome to my Website :)

Hello To everyone who visits here var x = 10 var y = 5 var p = 5 + 10 var t = 15 Red $1.28 = 128 Var Penny = 1 Cent Var Nickel = 5 Cents Var Dime = 10 Cents Var Quarter = 25 Cents 4 Quarters 2 Dimes 1 Nickel 3 Pennies $1.28 var d = new Date(); var n = d.getHours(); var radius = n var circumference = 2 * Math.PI * n circumference = circumference.toFixed(3); var diameter = 2 * n function loadCircle() { document.getElementById("radius").innerHTML = "Radius: " + radius +""; document.getElementById("circumference").innerHTML = "Circumference: " + circumference +""; document.getElementById("diameter").innerHTML = "Diameter: " + diameter +""; }

Black Jack var suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"]; var values = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"]; var 2 == 2 var currentPlayer = 0; function hitMe() function check() if (players[currentPlayer].Points > 21) var 21 = blackjack if (players[currentPlayer].Points < 21) var 21+ = Bust function dealHands() function stay()

Prime Time Assignment Var = "Min" Var = "Max" Var +Values = "2","3","5","7","11","13","17","19","23","29","31","37","41","43","47","53","59","61","67","71","73","79","83", "Min" = "2" "Max" = "83" Var -Values = "-2","-3","-5","-7","-11","-13","-17","-19","-23","-29","-31","-37","-41","-43","-47","-53","-59","-61","-67","-71","-73","-79","-83", "Min" = "-2" "Max" = "-83" Number.isInteger(2) //true Number.isInteger(3) //true Number.isInteger(5) //true Number.isInteger(7) //true Number.isInteger(11) //true Number.isInteger(13) //true Number.isInteger(17) //true Number.isInteger(19) //true Number.isInteger(23) //true Number.isInteger(29) //true Number.isInteger(31) //true Number.isInteger(37) //true Number.isInteger(41) //true Number.isInteger(43) //true Number.isInteger(47) //true Number.isInteger(53) //true Number.isInteger(59) //true Number.isInteger(61) //true Number.isInteger(67) //true Number.isInteger(71) //true Number.isInteger(73) //true Number.isInteger(79) //true Number.isInteger(83) //true

Waiting For the Weekend Assignment Var = "School Day" Var = "Weekend" function School Days(loop) Var Values = "Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday" function Weekend(loop) Var Values = "Saturday","Sunday" function Hours(loop) Var = Hours Var Values = "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23","24"

A Few of my Favorite Things Assignment Var = "Alex" Var = "John" Var = "Kevin" Var = "David" Var = "Don" function Alex() Alex was a professional Baseball Player Alex was happily married with his wife Alex is breaking records in baseball Alex has 2 kids Alex makes millions in the baseball function John() John is a hall of fame running back He played for the New York Giants and won 2 superbowls He is living his life retired with his wife Raising 3 boys striving to become an NFL player to Made hundereds of millions of dollars function Kevin() Kevin was a professional Basketball player He won 4 championships in the league He is now in the hall of fame And he broke 3 records that were sought impossible Now living in prosperity in the city function David() David was a professional Rugby player He played for the New Zealand All Blacks He only lost 3 games throughout his career Averaged 4 scores a game Now living in New Zealand with his family function Don() Don was a astronaught that worked for nasa Was the first person on Mars and back Was famous for making new rocket designs Nasa paid him millions for his accomplishments Now his kids are in school to become the next astronaughts

Dinner Plans Assignment Var = "Jane" Var = "Lisa" Var = "Taylor" Var = "Chris" Var = "Alyssa" Var = "Will" Var = "Jessica" function Jane() Var Values = "Mushrooms", "Onion", "Peppers", "Olives" function Lisa() Var Values = "Pepperoni", "ham", "pineapple" function Taylor() Var Values = "Extra Cheese", "Pepperoni", "Sausage", "bacon" function Chris() Var Values = "Mushrooms", "sausage", "bacon", "ham", "onion", "peppers" function Alyssa() Var Values = "pepperoni", "Bacon" function Will() Var Values = "Extra cheese", "sausage", "bacon", "Onion", "peppers", "olives" function Jessica() Var Values = "Pepperoni", "bacon", "ham", "pineapple", "onion", "peppers" You would have to get a pizza with 2 cheese, 2 with extra cheese, a slice of peperoni and bacon, and 3 normal peperoni on pizza 1 On Pizza 2, 2 slices of mushroom, onion, peppers, and olives pizza; 3 slices of pepperoni, ham, and pineapple; 3 slices of extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage, and bacon. On Pizza 3, 2 slices of mushroom, sausage, bacon, ham, onion, peppers; 2 slices of extra cheese, sausage, bacon, onion, peppers, and olives; and 2 slices of pepperoni, bacon, ham, pineapple, onion, peppers, with then 2 slices of extra cheese